Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July

I also wanted to post a few highlights of the Fourth of July. I missed my Mamaw! We celebrated her birthday every year on the 4th, she has been gone for 1 year now. We miss her dearly!

My Mother in law spent the weekend with us and we had a great time! Enjoy the highlights...Nevaeh was not a fan of fireworks at first, but she eventually thought they were pretty cool! :)

                                               Nevaeh and Mama

 Nana and Nevaeh

                                         Daddy was trying to get Nevaeh to ride this ride at Lake Winnie...Her face
                                          says it all!!!!! NO WAY !

                                         Not a happy camper ! She did not want to ride in her stroller!
                                           HE! HE! How cute is that hat? but not as cute as the little one wearing it!

My sweet Nevaeh

I have taken far too long to blog! I will vow to do much better.
Nevaeh is growing so fast. She will be 2 in August. I can't believe how fast time flies when you become a parent!
Dear Nevaeh,
 Nevaeh you are doing so much these days! You love to jump all the time! You never stop moving from the time you wake! You are starting to put sentences together. You say "let's go", "in here", "Mama hide", "I UV you!" You are very loving and you love your Mama and Daddy! You can not stand to be in one room and I in another. You are right by my side and i love every minute of it...well, except when I have to potty! :) Mommy is starting nursing school on August 29th. I just found out today that you were accept to a wonderful daycare program right on campus where I will be taking my nursing classes. It is very bittersweet for me. I have been a stay at home mommy for 2 years. I can not stand the thoughts of being away from you from 8am to 3pm. I know that you will love school though! Your cousin, Owen, will be in your very same class! I am going to try my hardest to become a nurse. I want to be able to provide for you in the best way I can. I also want to fulfill my dream of becoming a nurse. So, as sad as I am to leave you in daycare, I know that you will be okay. You are a happy, smart little girl and you crave time with other children, so I pray that God comforts both of us during your transition to school. You are growing and learning every day and you have added so much joy and love to my life.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Mommy

Today was a cold rainy (and I mean RAINY!) day! Brad worked most of the day today, so it was just the little one and Mommy.  I have a sinus infection so I did not feel like doing too much. We watched a lot of T.V. as bad as that is, but what's a Mommy to do if she doesn't feel well!
Nevaeh is getting to be such a big girl. She turned 19 months on the 21st. It is hard to believe. I want to savor every minute of her being little. She is growing like a weed. It is truely amazing how fast a child grows in a little over a year! She definately has a mind of her own! She likes to explore, and is never still! I love her and all her little sweet smiles. God certainly knew just what I needed when he sent Nevaeh to me!
I wish Brad was home, the weather is nasty and I hate being here listening to it thunder and lightening!
I should be studying, that's what I have to do, not what I want to do! (YES, i DO have to study on a Saturday. I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday night! Get up and GO SERVE GOD tomorrow! Night all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

some things

Outside my window: the most beautiful moon! the largest I have ever seen. I think I heard on the news that it is the closest to the earth than it has been in many years.

From the kitchen: I did not even have to cook tonight. My husband and baby girl are visiting Nana.

A few plans: I have a few plans to go to nursing school. It is something that I really have a desire to do. I am praying daily that it will work out and I will get accepted to the program.

One of my favorite things: Hearing my baby girl laugh and giggle. I touches my heart in a special way.

I am hearing: The dryer going all day! I am washing too much laundry.
I am reading: My Anantomy and Physiology II lab manual. YUCK! LOL

I am creating: I am not so creative so I have not created anything but a mess of paperwork around me.

I am wearing: pj's and a tshirt. Comfy time!

I am thinking: that I miss Brad and Nevaeh while they are away visiting Nana!


My cousin and his wife just found out they are expecting their second little bundle of joy, and it is another girl. Two baby girls! Congrats Justin and Emily.
Certainly makes me think of having another baby, but I have to be selfish and finish college first. I also want Nevaeh to have time to get a little older. Maybe I just need to adopt a fur baby! LOL!

Does anyone have an quick and easy lo-cal recipes they might like to share?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My first blog

Hello Blog World!

I decided to start my very first blog. I don't know what to expect, but I am excited! My hopes for my blog are to meet other mothers, to share recipes, coupons and much more!

I am a 35 year old first time mom! I am a college student, a supervisor, and wife. I am also active at my church. I wear many different hats! :)

My little sweet Nevaeh Grace is 18 and 1/2 months. She is really growing fast. It is amazing the milestones that a child reaches in just one short year! I want to hold on to every single moment! They grow too fast!

I am hoping that this blog experience connects me with other women who share in the joys of being a Christian, being a wife, being a first time Mommy, and also being a college student!!! :)